The latest C3PO’25 workshop is available.
Held in conjunction with ISC 2020.
Even with ISC being now a virtual event due to the COVID-19, ISC organizers still plan to publish Workshop Proceedings with Springer’s Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS).
The goal of the C3PO workshop is to bring together a diverse group of researchers to discuss their latest research results on compilation techniques for solving HPC challenges. The workshop will feature contributed papers and invited talks in this area.
Registration is FREE and open for everyone interested, and users need to sign up at this link
We will use the zoom chat for communication during the event.
Zoom Web conference: The Zoom link will be emailed to the registered participants shortly before the event.
For queries relating to the workshop, please contact Peter Pirkelbauer (pirkelbauer2 at or Emmanuelle Saillard (emmanuelle.saillard at