C3PO is a workshop at the intersection of compilers/translators, HPC middleware, and HPC applications. Practical compiler-enabled programming environments, applied analysis methodologies, and end-to-end toolchains are crucial to performance portability in the exascale era. The workshop brings together researchers with a shared interest in applying compilation and source-to-source translation methodologies to enhance parallel programming, including explicit programming models such as MPI, OpenMP, and hybrid models.
Original papers will identify and solve challenges in the tradeoffs of scalability, performance, predictability, correctness, productivity, and portability on-node and at massive scale. Strong-scaling, weak-scaling, and hybrid-scaling solutions assisted, augmented, and/or enabled by compiler technology are in scope.
We recognize that there are standard static analysis technologies (dataflow analysis, polyhedral analysis, etc); this workshop seeks innovative applications of such technologies to derive enhanced utility in parallel programs that are generalizable beyond a single case study or narrow application.
C3PO solicits two kinds of papers. Full papers present novel and original research and are limited to 12 pages in Springer LNCS format (including references and appendices). Short papers report on interesting new ideas, work with promising/early results, or empirical studies and are limited to 6 pages in Springer LNCS format.
The review process is double blind. Each submission will receive at least three reviews.
Papers must be submitted in PDF format on the submission website. The organizers will make informal proceedings available online before the conference. Authors may submit a revised version of the paper after the workshop for printed proceedings. Authors of accepted papers will be required to sign the Springer copyright form. Instructions for preparing papers for the proceedings will be emailed to authors of accepted papers.
Please, check the Springer Code of Conduct.